A Pizza a day keeps Tardiness and Absenteeism away!!!
We started a rule in our team that anyone who'll be late or absent will have to treat the whole team a pizza. Not just any pizza, it should be Yellow Cab pizza. We are eating pizza for our break for 4
days now because of those unfortunate people who came in late for work. I'm one of those unlucky ones who got to buy the team pizza.. hehehe. I came in late because Jason and I got a flat tire in C5 road on our way to work. We were recalling some old and unforgettable TV commercials and singing their jingles. And while I was in the middle of singing the classic song "I'm gonna knock on your door" which was used as a jingle for an old commercial "Electrolux vacuum cleaner" we heard a "burst" sound so we stopped. Then we found out that a 1-inch concrete nail got our tire flat. We really didn’t know how it happened. We're still lucky though because there's a vulcanizing shop near the area.

Definitely our “our pizza a day keeps absenteeism and tardiness away” is a very effective way of reducing our team’s tardiness and absenteeism. Apart from paying for your team ‘s pizza

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